# | 歌曲名称 | 艺术家 |
1 | Never An Absolution | James Horner |
2 | Distant Memories | James Horner |
3 | Southampton | James Horner |
4 | Rose | James Horner |
5 | Leaving Port | James Horner |
6 | “Take Her To Sea, Mr. Murdoch” | James Horner |
7 | “Hard To Starboard” | James Horner |
8 | Unable To Stay, Unwilling To Leave | James Horner |
9 | The Sinking | James Horner |
10 | Death Of Titanic | James Horner |
11 | A Promise Kept | James Horner |
12 | A Life So Changed | James Horner |
13 | An Ocean Of Memories | James Horner |
14 | My Heart Will Go On(席琳·迪翁) | James Horner |
15 | Hymn To The Sea | James Horner |
16 | Titanic Suite | James Horner |
17 | An Irish Party in Third Class (includes “John Ryan’s Polka” and “Blarney Pilgrim”) | James Horner |
18 | Alexander’s Ragtime Band | James Horner |
19 | The Portrait | James Horner |
20 | Jack Dawson’s Luck | James Horner |
21 | A Building Panic | James Horner |
22 | Nearer My God to Thee | James Horner |
23 | Come Josephine, In My Flying Machine | James Horner |
24 | Lament (includes “A Spailpín A Rún”) | James Horner |
25 | A Shore Never Reached | James Horner |
26 | My Heart Will Go On (Dialogue Mix) | James Horner |
27 | Nearer My God to Thee | James Horner |
28 | Epilogue – The Deep and Timeless Sea | James Horner |
29 | Valse Septembre | James Horner |
30 | Marguerite Waltz | James Horner |
31 | Wedding Dance | James Horner |
32 | Poet and Peasant | James Horner |
33 | Blue Danube | James Horner |
34 | Song Without Words | James Horner |
35 | Estudiantina | James Horner |
36 | Vision of Salome | James Horner |
37 | Titsy Bitsy Girl | James Horner |
38 | Alexander’s Ragtime Band | James Horner |
39 | Sphinx | James Horner |
40 | Barcarole | James Horner |
41 | Orpheus | James Horner |
42 | Song of Autumn | James Horner |
43 | Nearer My God to Thee | James Horner |
44 | It’s A Long Way To Tipperary | James Horner |
45 | Let Me Call You Sweetheart | James Horner |
46 | Vilia | James Horner |
47 | My Gal Sal | James Horner |
48 | Oh! You Beautiful Doll | James Horner |
49 | Martha | James Horner |
50 | In The Shade Of The Old Apple Tree | James Horner |
51 | Waiting At The Church | James Horner |
52 | Frasquita Serenade | James Horner |
53 | Shine On Harvest Moon | James Horner |
54 | From the Land of the Sky Blue Water | James Horner |
55 | Loch Lomond | James Horner |
56 | A Hot Time In The Old Town Tonight | James Horner |
57 | Nearer My God To Thee | James Horner |
1997年,一部有史以来制作费最高的电影《泰坦尼克号》一时间风靡了整个世界,杰克和露丝一段惊天动地的爱情悲剧也让众多恋爱中的情侣洒下了他们感动之泪,该片也成为有史以来票房最高的影片,全球卖座高达18亿美元。由加拿大著名女歌手席琳.迪翁(Celine Dion)演唱的主题曲“我心永恒–My Heart Will Go On”更是风靡全世界,令本片的电影原声带唱片卖出了千万张。为本片配乐的是鼎鼎大名的配乐大师詹姆斯.霍纳(James Horner)。他从踏入影视创作领域至今,素以其唯美华丽、充满诗意的配乐风格在乐坛独树一帜。《泰坦尼克号》无疑是霍纳创作生涯中最具群众魅力的作品。在影片中,霍纳采用了不少由电子合成器谱写的乐段,再透过大约二十位乐师组成的小型乐团来诠释片中的主题音乐,同时搭配挪威女歌手西撒尔.吉尔克杰柏(Sissel Kjyrjeboe)天籁般的人声吟唱与法国号的共鸣,使全片的音乐既具磅礴气势,亦具有浪漫史诗的悲凉,真可谓刚柔并济,既突出了北大西洋海面上经历的一次代价惨重的沉船悲剧,又不失时机地表现男女主人公之间的款款深情,巧妙的编写出歌颂爱情同时也追悼爱情的感人旋律。至于在泰坦尼克号船上乐师所演奏的音乐,以及詹姆斯.霍纳没有收录在电影原声带内的作品,都另外结集出版了数张延仲性的专辑,依旧风行一时,有相当不错的销售成绩。2012年是电影《泰坦尼克号》上映15周年,导演卡麦隆制作了电影的3D版重新上映,SONY公司也推出了影片原声大碟的4CD装收藏纪念版。CD1和CD2出自电影原声,CD3则是由电影中乐队表演者 I Salonisti演奏的当时Titanic上乐队真正演奏过的曲目,而其中大部分也被电影采用,或片段,或完整,如Wedding Dance,Blue Danube等。至于CD4则完全是延伸产品,是与Titanic同时代的流行音乐作品。